Thursday, April 24, 2008

peru here I come

I began my Peace Corps application in August of 2006 and did not submit it until April 2007. Although Peace Corps is something I've entertained in the back of my mind since high school, the thought of actually following through with the idea terrified me. I dragged my feet filling out the application during my senior year of college, doing a bit here, a bit there, but never doing enough to submit it. In my own defense, senior year can be a troubling time. For many, it is the first time one is faced with making his/her own decisions. My path was laid out nicely for me up until college...even the decision to go to Providence College was not entirely my own (not that I would have changed anything, Dad). All of a sudden there is no clear next step. One can do anything he/she wants and this is scary. What's more, my senior year was chock full of other pressing worries, like making sure I had enough credits to graduate, boy troubles, planning commencement, etc. I did not want to have anything to do with the abyss that was looming as of May 21, 2007.
Well I finally got my act together and submitted my application around April. My interview was then scheduled for May 21, 2007--the day after graduation, the day I moved out of college, and the day the abyss became reality. I found the interview to be disheartening. My recruiter told me that I would not do a whole lot during my first year of service and that I should take that as an opportunity to catch up on my reading. Don't get me wrong, I love to read but the idea of living in poverty for 2 years if it was all in vain did not sound appealing. She also told me nominations for Latin America (the region I had my heart set on) were super competitive, particularly for those who are not already fluent in Spanish. I minored in the language but am in no way fluent. After expressing my apprehensions, she told me to sit on the idea for a while and to get back to her. After two weeks, I sent her an email saying I'm still in and might as well go through with the rest of the process to see where I end up. She responded saying she had nominated me for Latin America to do youth development and to depart in June, 2008. Perfect!
I thought the hard part was over but then came the medical packet...which was sent back to me about 5 times. Because I'm a not-so-responsible vegetarian, I am anemic and the Office of Medical Services would not accept my medical packet until I got my iron up. It's a very fortunate thing that my nomination wasn't until June because that gave me a year to get all that nonsense completed.
So now, almost 2 years after beginning my Peace Corps application, I have finally received an official invitation to serve... And to serve in Peru (which is a dream come true because I have always had a fascination with that country, for some bizarre reason, and now fate seems to be kicking in, the stars are aligning, I have realized my destiny etc etc but that is another story for another day)
I will be leaving June 4, 2008 for a new adventure and I am scared out of my mind --in a good way. Until next time,

By the way, this entire post was an effort to procrastinate writing my Peace Corps aspiration statement. Pretty lame on my part but I hate self-evaluation assignments.

1 comment:

James Andrew Ofczarzak said...

hey Patty! good to hear from you! thanks for lettin me know about the google group....... I'm still pending.......... enjoy your family and friend time before june! seeya soon