Thursday, August 21, 2008

Last Day as an Aspirante

Tomorrow around 3 in the afternoon I will swear in and become an official Peace Corps volunteer. A dream a long time in the making will finally be actualized. While I´m admittedly terrified to ship off to site and begin a new life unlike I´ve ever experienced, I am also ECSTATIC. Training has taken me as far as it will; now it is time to become more independent, more self sufficient, more brave than i have ever had to be. I´m ready. There will most certainly be bumps along the road and moments when I question what I´m doing here, but if all fails, I have to admit that I´m pretty stinkin proud to have given it a shot. In just three months I have adjusted to a simpler, more austere way of life. I have immersed myself in a new culture. I have achieved a quasi-advanced level of Spanish. I have learned to depend on myself. I have made new and lasting friendships with both gringos and Peruvians alike. Most importantly, I have been really happy (But I don´t mean to brag). I know this is where I am supposed to be right now at this point in my life.

Tonight is my last night with my host family in Yanacoto. It is bittersweet. I am eager to move on despite the beautiful times I shared with Jesusa and Alfredo. I will miss them dearly but take comfort in knowing that my next family is equally amazing and that I will always be welcomed back. Thanks for all the mail, emails and encouraging words. I appreciate your support.

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